
Advertising Agency Business,How it Works? Starting Guide

Updated On : 18-Feb-2025

Advertising Agency Business Plan in India

Advertisement or ad agency  agency business idea, know about this business, a great option to earn money – along with the modern era, the trend of advertising era is at its peak day by day. There is a proverb in Hindi that “whatever you see, it sells” that any successful businessman definitely follows this proverb, which is because he does not want to limit his business to only a few circles, but to expand his business on a large scale. wants to take For which he feels the need of an ad agency. So today we are going to make you aware of the advertising agency business idea through this article, but first you have to understand what is an ad agency :-

What is Advertising Agency?

Advertising agency refers to a business whose main purpose is to provide services, to make advertisements to the customer and to maintain that advertisement in the market for a long time in future. In common language, this agency works to deliver information related to the products from door to door.

With the help of this, the industrialists get maximum profit, for whatever advertisement is prepared by the ad agency, the agency charges a huge amount because the merchants spend more money on the advertisement than the cost of the product.

For example, if the cost of the product is Rs 10, then Rs 20 is charged on advertising. So you can get an idea from this example that how economical this business is.

Start advertising agency business

To start an advertising agency, first complete some formal work like registering the GST number, getting the registration done under the soft act, etc. And wherever you have opened your agency's office, try to be in the middle of the market. Do not invest a lot of money in starting an advertising agency.

This is how it works in an advertising agency

In the field of advertising agency, people are mostly in demand who are interested in doing imaginative and quite creative work. Advertising agency mainly works in two ways, one is copy writer and the other is director. The job of a copywriter is especially

Preparing ad-related written material such as making punch lines related to the ad. There must be harmony between the scenes shown in these five lines. The director makes it more effective by making many changes in that advertisement so that the effect of the advertisement made by him can be on more and more people.

What do advertising agencies work for?

Advertising agency provides service to all those needy industrialists who have to make advertisements for print media and electronic media. Print media includes newspapers, magazines etc. and electronic media includes advertisements shown on television.

Select such people for advertising agency

Advertising agency is such a task that completely creative work is included, as well as the help of other people is also needed in this work, for which the formation of a great team is necessary in which the selection of such people is necessary :-

1) Skilled Person :- No advertising agency can run its agency without this person. It is the imagination and creative work of this person that helps in taking the agency forward. It should be so capable in its work that it can take its imagination on the screen.

2) Account Executive :- It is also necessary to look after the money related activities of the agency so that the profit and loss in the business of the advertising agency can be ascertained.

3) Researcher: - It is also necessary to have a researcher in the advertising agency who can keep an eye on the activities of the market and if there is a need for any changes in his agency, then tell the other executives. According to its research, it gives information to the customers about what kind of advertising is right for their product and how they can make more profit.

4) Computer Specialist: - This special person means that person who has all the information related to computer and internet. So that he can give the advertisement a better look than the advertisement made by any other agency. He should have knowledge that which medium of media will be appropriate to reach his advertisement to the target class.
It is necessary to have all these people in an ad agency, but you can also choose other people according to your need.

Do this to make your advertising agency business successful

1) Website: - Make sure to create a website related to your advertising agency, because nowadays most of the people take the help of internet to make advertisements, in that website you provide information related to your agency and also put pictures or videos of some advertisements.

2) Strong contacts: - You will have to initially contact local merchants and companies for marketing your advertising agency. Make good ad samples related to their product and take them to them so that they can get influenced by your ad. Apart from this, you should also contact the local showrooms, hospitals, schools, colleges, shops etc. and make them aware of the quality of your agency so that they can be motivated to give ads to your agency.

3) Publicity :- Initially you have to make advertisement related to your agency before preparing advertisement for clients and that advertisement should be compatible with both print and electronic media. For publicity, the help of media such as radio, TV, newspaper etc. can also be taken.

By doing this in the beginning of the business of advertising agency, you will get to know people and in future you will not have to go to them but they will want to contact with your agency to get their ads made.

Starting Cost in Advertising Agency Business

This is such a business that money starts raining on its running and the person gets both name and fame easily, but at least eight to ten lakhs are needed to invest in the beginning of electronic advertising and there Two to three lakh rupees will be required to make print media advertisements. But while starting a business, you can invest a little less money than this amount, know how?

1) Use rented equipment: - Many devices are used in this business like camera, audio video system, mic, computer etc. Do not waste much of your deposit key money on these things, rather you rent to make ads. Start creating ads using the tools of

By doing this, you will not spend much money and if your ad agency business is closed due to any reason then the rented equipment can also be returned and as you will start collecting some income from the rented equipment , after that you can also buy your personal equipment.

2) Hire employees: - Initially the team that is being formed to make advertisements like make up man, camera man, editor etc. Start hiring these people on daily basis. So that only you can use them according to the need, but when your business starts running well, make these people the main part of your agency as fixed employees.

How much space will be required to start an advertising agency business?

Advertising agency is a business whose maximum work is possible inside the office, due to which you will need more space because it requires many types of machines and everyone in the team also needs separate rooms.

Because making an ad is a creative work and every work is done very carefully like separate room for makeup and photo shoot and separate room for editing department and some space has to be left for the clients as well.

The most important thing for advertising agency business is to have tolerance because today most people are doing ad agency business, due to which your agency may take some time to run, but you should keep your work cheap and regular with good quality, so that your Business will also reach a good position after some time.

Advertising Agency Business in India.Learn how to start the business with estimated investment details.Know Profis,space required

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