
How to Start Dairy Farm Business in India,Cost and Profit

Updated On : 18-Feb-2025

If you want to do your own business, then dairy farming can be one of the best options for you. In this, you may have to work hard, but it has to be done in any business, but the possibilities of profit are more in it than other business.

Dairy Farm Business

What is Dairy Farming?

Dairy farming is related to the production of milk and its related products, in this you mainly have to sell dairy products i.e. those products which are related to milk in the market. You can easily get milk from different animals like cow, buffalo etc. But for related products like curd, ghee etc., you will have to work separately which takes time. So if you want, you can sell milk directly. So in today's post we will tell you how you can start your own dairy farming business and with its help you can set up a good business.

Where to start dairy farming?

If you have made up your mind that dairy farming is the business that you want to do, then now you must be thinking that from where to start it? First of all, you have to start by deciding which animals you want to keep in your farm? Cow, buffalo and goat are all three milk giving animals. You have to keep these animals in your farm, after that the first thing you should do is to gather information about different breeds of animals because there are many different breeds of cows and buffaloes.

And all of them are known to give milk in different quantities, so it is very important to know about them, without complete information no business can run. Therefore, we should choose the same breed which can produce more milk. In India, the breeds of buffalo like Murrah, Bhadwari and Mehsana are very popular, while the breeds of cows like Sahiwal, Jersey and Friesian are found. Their price can also be different, so first of all choose the breed according to your budget.

How to produce milk from dairy farming

Dairy farming can start milk production on a small scale. For this, you get loan and complete guidance from the government. You can produce more and more milk even on a small scale, but you need to keep these three things in mind. All these things are told in detail in the training.

Proper management of dairy animals

You must have good techniques to know about cow or buffalo and take proper care of them. Information can be gained through training.

Milk Processing

When milk is produced, keeping it properly and delivering it to the local market, milk is called milk processing.


Marketing strategy should be well-versed in bringing milk produced daily to the market or making your own brand packaging and making milk available to the local market. All these things are told in a good way during training. Here is the link of the website of Central Govansh Research Meerut, from here you can get more information on these subjects

Cost of diary form

The cost of diary farm depends on the breed of your animals. Good breed animals are often expensive. If you want to rear 10 animals in your dairy, then you will have to invest 6 to 7 lakh rupees in opening a dairy. This includes your animals, the cost of building accommodation, etc. After this, you will be able to run the expenses of your animals from the income of your milk, as well as make a good profit for yourself.

Cost of starting small scale dairy farming

Dairy farming is the best way to live with dignity and get pride of doing your employment. Small-scale Dairy Farming You can start dairy farming with even two animals, so the government is ready to help you a lot, because the Department of Animal Husbandry is paying more attention to it.

If you want to start a dairy unit from milking animals, then a total expenditure of 1.5 lakh rupees is spent in setting up this project. Around ₹ 35000 you get subsidy by the government in this scheme. If scheduled caste or scheduled tribe get subsidy of about 45000 rupees. You can contact the District Chief Veterinary Officer of NABARD.

Profit in diary form

In diary farm, if you have 10 animals and if each animal gives 10 liters of milk every day, then you are getting 100 liters of milk every day. The average price of milk is Rs 40 a liter which increases in summer, so according to Rs 40 a liter, you can earn Rs 4,000 per day, which is a very good profit. Out of 4,000, even if you spend 3,000 on feeding and drinking your animals, you will still earn Rs 1,000 per day.

Which is getting Rs 30,000 for a month. There is a lot of money in the beginning, but as you understand more about the business, you can earn more money. You can increase the production of milk and then earn more money from it. So friends, in this way you can stand on your own feet. If you do not have money for investment, then you can also take a loan from the bank, loan is also easily available in these types of business.

Can a dairy be started with 2 animals?

By taking advantage of the government subsidy scheme, you can open a dairy house with even two animals, for this, there is no need of too much space. Animal accommodation can also be arranged by putting a tin shed. When there is some benefit, then gradually you can increase the number of animals. But for this, by taking full training and starting your dairy farming with subsidy, this will be the best way for you.

Keep in mind that the time of conception should be right, so to get children from animals, the method of AI (artificial insemination) should be well understood because if animals like cow buffalo are pregnant, then there is a loss in the dairy business. Good breed semen should be used at the right time for conception.

Where to buy cattle to start a dairy business ?

For our diary farming business in India, people are getting a lot of help from the government, to start your own diary farm, you can buy and sell good breed cows, buffaloes from the government's website. Information about the major breeds and their characteristics will be available at https://epashuhaat.gov.in/

Some special things to note while buying cow and buffalo for diary farm

There are many types of buffalo and cow species found in our India, which are very important in themselves and all the breeds have different milking abilities from each other, some give more, some give work. For that you should choose those breed of cow which gives more milk like Sahiwal it gives 15 to 18 liters of milk, Tharparkar gives 16 to 18 liters of milk in a day, it is very important to choose the right breed. You can get success in your business

Arranging for animals

Now that you have selected your animals, then you will have to arrange a place to keep cows and buffaloes. Now you cannot open a big dairy in any city, so if you are thinking of opening a big dairy, then you can do it outside the city itself. An animal (cow or buffalo) requires about 50 sq. ft. to live

So if you are thinking of raising 10 to 10 animals, then you will have to arrange 500 to 600 square feet of space. Apart from this, you have to make the place of living of the animals in such a way that fresh air can come and go. Due to which the animals will also get fresh air. It is very essential for their health.

What to give to eat ?

Now that you have chosen your animal and place, then you have to make proper arrangements for their food and water. The more good and nutritious food is given to the animals, the better and more milk the animals will be able to give to us. Therefore we have to give good food to the animals in good quantity. Animals have to be given straw along with green grass etc. There are many benefits of giving green grass, one, it increases milk, while its cost is less than straw, so there is little effect on your pocket too.

Apart from this, for more milk, it is necessary to give minerals to the animals in food, water will also have to be given in more quantity because if the animal does not drink water then it will not be able to give milk in the right quantity. You have to arrange borewell for water to the animals. Because if you keep even 10 animals, it will also need a lot of water. Like in drinking, cleaning etc.

Before starting dairy farming, you should understand these steps very well.

1) You can start your dairy business with two or even 5 or 6 animals.

2) After knowing from the training institutes mentioned in this article, you should first do the training from the right place and then start the dairy farming business.

3) If there is dairy farming near you, go there and talk to them and find out about pasture arrangements etc., where fodder is available for cattle locally.

4) To deal with the problem of fodder, you can grow fodder in your fields or where you are opening a dairy.

5) Before starting a dairy, you can get more information about starting dairy with good breed cattle from the National Dairy Development Department.

6) After starting dairy farming, for proper medical treatment of cattle, call the veterinarian once a week and take necessary medical advice.

7) To constantly update yourself, stay connected to the online portal from where you have taken training. 

Government Schemes to Promote Dairy Farming

Every district of the country has Animal Husbandry Department which is attached to the State Governments and to the Central Governments. Here loans are also provided for training, guidance, opening of dairy farming for self-employment related to animal husbandry. Information about animal husbandry through NABARD organization can be obtained from here.

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India

In order to increase the income of the farmers in addition to agriculture and animal husbandry dairy etc., many schemes are launched from time to time by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India. You can get training and new information by visiting its website - http://dahd.nic.in/en/ 

Start Dairy Farm Business and start earning money by selling dairy products.Get cow farming business investment,training & profit details..

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