
How to Start Goat Farming Business in India (Bakri Palan)

Updated On : 18-Feb-2025

Goat rearing has been a very old business of Indian society. Goat rearing has always been associated with farming, whoever does farming, he also does goat rearing but there is a lot of difference between farming and goat farming. reach the cost of profit through different training at their respective level

If we talk about rural employment then here is a better option for you goat farming i.e. goat rearing, you may find it a bit strange to hear the name but when you know its benefits then you will change your thinking, because today everyone is in the race for success. If you want to get ahead of each other, keeping the same goat can prove to be a good solution for all of you, but you have to be serious for it and also have to give time with hard work.

Benefits of goat farming :

There are many benefits of goat farming from which we can get good money.

It can prove to be a good business in a short period of time with less expenditure.

We can get milk, meat, skins from goat rearing.

The government also gives many types of financial and technical assistance for such farming.

After some time when your goats start giving babies, after that your business will start growing but it requires hard work and patience.

Many medicines are made from goat's milk, due to which the demand for goat's milk always remains.

Jaggery is present in goat's milk to increase the amount of platelets quickly.

What planning is required before starting a goat farming business

You can make the right plan for goat farming by considering the following points: 

1) Select the location where you are thinking of starting a goat farm : 

The first step to start goat farming is to choose the right land or place where you want to open your goat farm.

Where there is a green open field and goat grazing place, where you can feed green fodder to your goats daily, where there is clean air, clean drinking water, so that the expenses incurred in feeding and drinking of goat are minimum. You can get more profit from your goat farm business. 

The place where you want to open the farm, get the boundary of the brick and cement made completely so that it will be more safe for your goat farm.

I also have my own goat farm which is only 20 decimils in which i have built a shed for goat rearing in 15 decimils and the remaining 5 decimils i have made a room in it for the care of the goats living there. In the initial days, I had only 5 goats and 2 goats, in today's days they have increased to 35, if you take care properly then you can have more than this. 

2) Make a goat shed construction plan :

When you have chosen the right place for the goat farm, now you have to plan the construction of the goat shed, how the goats can grow safely, for this you will need a good clean, clean shed There are 2 types of goat shed construction Is

The difference between both on a land and on something higher than the ground is that if you are building a shed higher than the ground, it costs a little more and the shed which is being built on the ground costs a little less but the shed which is above the ground. is made, its benefits are very much

Building a goat shed depends on your area, if there is  more rain in your area this winter, then you should build a shed above the ground, if the rain in your place is less this winter, then you can also build a shed on the ground. It's up to you how you want to make it

By building a shed above the ground, the goats who get sick also reduce very little, if you build a shed on the ground, then the goats are more afraid of getting sick, which we can keep in the above ground shed, that much cleanliness. We can't keep it down so this is the difference between these two 

Which shed should be build (some things must be kept in mind? )

This thing is very important, how much is your budget, how much money do you have to build a shed, if the budget is work, you are thinking of starting goat farming on a small scale, then you can build a shed on the land itself if you have more budget. If so, then you should build a high quality shed which is built above the ground. 

1) While making the goat shed, it should also be kept in mind that some place is open for pure air to come so that the goats always get pure air.

2) for keeping the right system for pure drinking water to shed create fills the goats you get get a boring in the ground so that goats always get clean water  to

3) Keep proper arrangement of water in the house of goats so that whenever you clean your goat shed, then the excreta and water of the goats can easily come out from the shed, for that the ground should be made a little slope.

4) Keep the length of the right, left and back wall of the goat house at least 15 feet and make the wall 10 inches thick so that the temperature inside the shed is normal, the roof of the shed should be made of alabaster, it is cheap and good.

5) Make 3 parts inside the shed so that the goat, goat and small children are all separate

6) Always keep the utensils of the goats who eat and drink in the shed clean so that the goats can be saved from disease 

7)  The living space of the goats should be far away from the city. If there are 20 goats, then one acre of land is enough, if there is a means of production of green fodder at the place of the goats, it will be very beneficial and profitable. will get .

3) Choose the right breed of goat for goat farming business (Goat bread selection) 

When you have made a goat shed by choosing the right place for the goat farm, then now you have to start the business of goat farming by choosing the right breed of goat, friends, there are many types of goats found in India, no milk and no meat. But we have to choose the breed of goat which is used for both milk and meat.  

Not every breed of goat is beneficial, for choosing the right breed of goat, first of all, we have to keep in mind that how is the environment of the place where we live, it is very important to evaluate the environment of that place. It will be known that which breed of goats can be raised in different environments.

Some breeds of goats are not able to live in this environment in other places, such as if you live in Punjab, then choosing Beetal goat will be most beneficial for you. get more profit 

Some important goats are found in India such as: 

1) Jamunapari
2) Sirohi
3) Barbari 
4) Boer
5) Surti
6) Beetal
7) Osmanabadi
8) Jhakrana
9) Sojat
10) Black Bengal 

Important Note : For more information about goat's nest read from here

Goat's fodder

Now it comes to the food of goats, where we will talk about what should be given to goats in food for good health.

Goats should be given good straw in the food and use goat's grain along with it.

Goats should be taken to the field or farm for feeding during the day time, which will also give them green grass and their walking will strengthen the legs and body.

The use of green fodder in the food of goats every day improves their digestion and health.

Avoid feeding large amounts of grain to goats.

Digestion powder can also be used in goat's food for good digestion.

Along with food, it is also necessary to give water to the goats as per the requirement.

Every goat has to drink 5-15 liters of water every day.

Right time for breeding goats :

It is okay to conceive goats at the age of 15 to 18 months. Goat and its babies are more likely to die

When the goat starts getting hot, it should be left with the goat within 12 to 24 hours, due to which it is easy for the goat to conceive, the goats give birth in 6 to 7 months and the goats produce 2 to 3 children together. Is

Vaccination of goats :

To keep goats disease free, they must be vaccinated and dewormed from time to time for foot and mouth disease (FMD ) , gout plague disease (PPR) , hemorrhagic septicemia (HS) , anthrax, vaccinated against goat pox and Deworming should be done from time to time, so that the goats can develop normally and remain fit.

Diseases of goats

Just as diseases are found in humans, similarly diseases occur in goats which can be caused by bacteria or virus, some of which are diseases of goats as follows-

1) Pneumonia or cold

Goats get more cold due to which they can get pneumonia or cold or a mild cold can later take the form of pneumonia, in such cases the following symptoms arise in them such as - runny nose, coughing, sneezing or breathing with open mouth, runny nose Flow of liquid etc.

Treatment- Antibiotics can be given 3-5 ml for 5 days

2) Afra

Due to this disease, mainly in goats, symptoms like flatulence, abdominal pain, not chewing, shortness of breath, etc.

Treatment- For this, 10-20 grams of baking soda should be given to goats, if they do not get better, consult a doctor.

3) hoof / mouth

In this disease, the goats get blisters on their mouth and hooves, due to which they have difficulty in walking and eating food and become victims of high temperature etc., they are unable to even chew.

Treatment- For this wash the goat's leg with Dettol and then apply Lorexan, for fever contact the doctor and give injection.

4) Diarrhea-

In this, the goat's feces come repeatedly in a very thin and liquid form, due to which the body of the goats becomes weak. Treatment- For this, 15 to 20 grams of Nebalon powder can be given to them or contact the doctor immediately.

Cleanliness of goats

In goat rearing, good care has to be taken of cleanliness, such as giving them a good environment by cleaning their feces and urine. All goats should also be bathed from time to time. All goats should also be vaccinated during epidemics.

Important things in goat farming

First of all you will need training for goat farming so that you can get more profit in less cost with modern methods, many private and government organizations are working for this but you may have to spend some money for this.

After training, you will need the land where you want to rear goat, but before you make sure that the land for goat rearing, see that the land is not moist and it will be better if it is at a short distance from the city or village.

Now you will need a good shed where the goats can stay safe, while building the shed, keep in mind that every goat can get the above mentioned place to live.

Even if the goats should be kept small but keep a good breed so that you can get meat and milk, it will be fine to keep goats of one breed in a shed.

You can buy smaller lambs or bigger goats, you will have to wait longer than buying female lambs.

You can keep 10 to 20 goats initially for ease of care, the rest can be bought later or obtained by breeding.

What will be the total cost to start goat farming ?

About 50 thousand rupees for the stay of 30 goats in the shed construction.
30000 rupees for the food of 30 goats every year should be approx.
20000 rupees for goats press and vaccine.
Water, electricity and other expenses for a year are about 30000 rupees.
That is, to keep a total of 30 goats, it can easily cost 1 to 2 lakh rupees.
If you hire a servant for the work, then the expenditure can be 1-2 lakhs more every year.

How to earn maximum money by selling goats?

To sell goat or its milk, you have to find a good market around you where you can sell your goats or milk, if you want, you can also talk to any dairy for milk, sell goats according to their budget so that The profit is high, stay away from any broker or middleman here, usually the value of a 30 kg female goat is 7000 or more, according to this, if 10-12 goats are received from 20 goats every year then 7000×12 = 84000 There is money which will keep on increasing every year and the sale of your milk will continue to be different as well as new female goats will also keep increasing.

Government help to start goat farming 

The government seems to be making a lot of efforts for small industries, you can also take the help of the government in goat farming where you will get loans at cheap rates as well as discounts in equipment.

Registration- You can go to any public service center for government registration or you can register yourself online by visiting udyogaadhar.gov.in where you fill the above information and submit, after which you will be given a certificate.

Facts to keep in mind

You always have to keep in mind that if any goat looks calm or unwell in any way, then consult a doctor immediately.

Take better care of the ruminant of goats, contact the doctor if you do not ruminate.

The goat whose health is not good, it should be kept separate from the rest of the goats.

It is extremely important for goats to take necessary care of the temperature (winter, summer).

Goats should be bathed from time to time.

Goats should be neutered from time to time to avoid vaccine and louse.

Learn How to Start Goat Farming Business.Get complete information of Goat Farming investment,profits,benefits and marketing guide.

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