
OLA Cab Business,How to Start? Join,Benefits and Earnings

Updated On : 18-Feb-2025

Ola Cab Business Plan

Ola Cab is a Bangalore based company which has made its hold in almost every major city of India. In today's race life, everyone wants to reach their work or home as soon as possible. No one wants to waste their time. The name of Ola Cab is considered a well-known name in the world of taxi booking in India. In this, any person can book a taxi in Minto with the help of the mobile app and in Minto the taxi reaches the customer's home to pick up the customer.

This simple and simple business model of Ola cabs is according to the needs of the people here, thousands of people have made it their means of earning and earning by joining it. Presently about three lakh cabs are connected with this company from more than a hundred cities.

Ola is not only a vehicle but also a source of income for many people in India. With this, you can earn money even sitting at home and if you want, you can also work for Ola Cab yourself. If you have your own commercial car then you can earn money by joining Ola Cab.

How to start business with Ola Cab Company ?

City transport company like Ola Cab is giving more and more people a chance to join their company with easy conditions, with these companies you can join in two ways.

1) If you have your own new car then you can join these company without cost

2) Even if you do not have a car, you can still join with these companies, for this you will have to give about 20 to 25000 in the company and the company will lease the car in your name.

How to pair your car with Ola Cab ?

If you have your own car then you   can easily join a city transport company like Ola but it is worth some company to join the company. can start and earn a lot of money

1) To add your car to the city transport company Ola, you can go to their local office and contact

 2) You can apply for linking your vehicle with the company by calling the customer care facility of Ola Cab Company.

To contact Ola Cab Company STD 3355-3355 Apart from this, you can also email (support@olacab.com) for Ola Cab. Ola Cab Company's toll free helpline number is 1800 411 3535.

Here are some of the company rules for registering and linking your car with Ola Cab

1) If you have your own car then it should be new

2) Your car must have an air conditioner

3) Your car should not be more than 5 years old and its condition should be good

4) If you yourself want to drive this car from someone else, then you must have a commercial license, you cannot drive without a license.

5) To  add a car to Ola Cab you have to go to the company and submit your required documents

6) Ola company employees will check the status of your car at the local office 

7) ID card of owner and driver

8) Ola Cab staff will guide youabout the company's guidelines and offers

9)  You have toopen a current account in the bank

10) To  add a vehicle to the company, you must have PAN card, driving license, address proof, original paper of the car.

11)  with police verification , you'll need one

If you fulfill all these formalities then you can easily join with the company and within 6 to 7 days you can start your business with the company.

Drivers Required?

Even if you do not have a car, you can also attach yourself to Ola Cab by taking a new car, but keep in mind that you need to be a driver along with the car. Without the driver the vehicle cannot be connected to Ola Cab. It is mandatory for the driver of this cab to pass high school.

Which car will get the most money?

If you have a bigger car, you can make more money. You have also added to the category of small car by taking a big car, so that your car can be used in booking both small and big category of car. By which you can earn more money.

Even if you do not have your own car then you can easily earn money by joining Ola Cab Company.

For those people who do not have their own car, then the company has come out with a scheme for those people, through which you can earn a lot of money. Apart from all this, you will also have to pay the fixed monthly subscription fee of the car to the company.

After the fixed amount, the car will be completely in your name,   as long as your car is on lease, you will have to pay commission to the company on every ride,  even after paying monthly subscription fee and commission to the company, you can comfortably work 20 to 25000 a month. can

Maintenance cost

In this, the maintenance cost is also borne by the company as well as free accidental insurance up to Rs 2 lakh is also given to you. You have to give a fixed amount of your earnings to the company every day. This subscription fee is charged by the company on every booking.

After adding your car in Ola, you will earn in these ways

1) If you do a ride, the company will give you 10% commission of the bill.

2) If you do at least 12 rides in a day in peak hour, then you will get a bonus of Rs 4400 from the company.

3) If you ride single during peak hours (7 to 11 in the morning and 5 to 10 in the evening) then the company will give you a bonus of 250

4) If you drop the airport ride in peak hour, then the company will give you a bonus of Rs 700 in a single ride.

5) If you complete more than 7 rides in a day then the company gives you a bonus of 600 separately

Learn how to start Ola Cab Business in India.How to apply or join.Company rules for registering and linking your car with Ola Cab.

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