
How to Open a Hospital in India? Complete Information

Updated On : 18-Feb-2025

How to open a hospital in India Which license is required

In today's time we are developing very fast as well as the level of our education is also increasing. In such a situation, if you want to open your own hospital then this post is for you and if you want to open a hospital then stay till the end of this post. In today's time, many people study biology and if you open a hospital then you will get doctors, nurses, medical staff, ward boys and compounders easily because in today's time people do not get jobs in government sector even in private hospitals. They work and their salary is good. In such a situation, if you want to open your own hospital, then it will be very beneficial for you, in today's time, you are shown in the hospital in a small disease, in such a situation, it is very right to follow the opening of your hospital, so let us know how to open the hospital. Let's talk about him in full details.

How to open a hospital in India ?

• First of all you have to keep in mind that you should have mbbs degree.
• If you have mbbs or hospital management degree then you can open hospital.
• You have to register for the hospital under The Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulations) 2017 to open a hospital.
• You have to submit the main documents attached with the registration form. 
• The health department checks the course of your form, if the information is correct, it grants you a license to open a hospital within a month.

Rules for opening a hospital :

Under the new policy of the Government of India, a new guide line has been issued for every private hospital in 2014, which is as follows-

• For a private hospital, there should be at least 2500 square yards in which to build the hospital.
• The hospital operator has to keep in mind that there should be a vehicle parking arrangement, there should be a parking arrangement for the vehicles of the relatives as many patients.
• If there are 10 beds in the hospital, then there should be a parking arrangement for at least 15 vehicles in the hospital.
• Where the hospital is built, it is necessary to have a road with a width of 12 meters or more.
• Along with this, NOC will have to be taken from the Department of Fire and Pollution.
• There should be arrangement for disposal of medical waste in the hospital along with the medicine shop.
• The process of hospital construction should be done according to the building plan.
• It is mandatory to follow the rules of MIC.

To open a hospital, do the necessary registration:

* Permit is required to build a hospital building, if you have your own land then you start construction in it then you have to get permission from Municipal Corporation or Municipality. If it is taken from rent, then after checking the legal paper, take it from the rent, and make a legal agreement by signing the rent deed.

* To get the permit of fire safety certificate, you have to take permission from the fire department related to the municipal headquarters, it is very important to have fire safety in the building built as a hospital, otherwise there is panic in the event of danger, then it is sad. The event is likely to happen.

* If you want to provide lift facility, then you will have to get license for lift from security department. Otherwise, if an incident happens in the lift, there is a risk of cancellation of your hospital's license.

* For the license of medical pharmacy, first of all you or your pharma partner must have the pharmacy degree registered with the Pharma Council, then you can get the license in two ways.

1. Retail Drug License – Can get small quantity of medicine to sell directly to the customer.

2. Whole Sale Drug License – In this license is provided to the wholesaler of the drug.

* For blood bank you have to take license from State Licensing Authority of Food and Drug Administration Department which is renewed every 10 years.

• For ambulance you will have to register in RTI department and health department of state government, only then you will get license for ambulance.

* Clearance related to the environment will have to be taken from the Health and Environment Department that you will not cause any kind of pollution, the department will have to be made aware of this.

* It is very important to get GST registration done only then you get the TIN number, and there will be no problem in your hospital due to transparency between the hospital and the patient.

* It is very important to get business registration done, if you want to make your hospital public and private limited, for that you have to do registration in commerce and industrial department.

* Taking special care of the security of the hospital, it is necessary to register in the police station. Which allows you to open the hospital, and in case of any insecurity, the police force comes forward to protect the hospital.

* Waste Management You will have to take special care of the garbage in the hospital, for that proper cleaning arrangements have to be made and for the removal of garbage from the hospital, you will have to dump it outside only after taking permission from the municipal corporation, for this you will have to get a license from the cleaning department. .

Where did the hospital open?

Hospital is such a place where it is decided to open it, in today's time everyone comes to it, no matter what disease, they come to the doctor, so wherever you put it, it is beneficial, you have the necessary equipment. There should be a lot of demand for it, you can open the hospital market side, in this you will benefit the patient, due to having a hospital in the market area, any patient can easily come, as well as you can open a hospital around the school. You can also open on the side of the road, you can also put the hospital around the shopping mall.

What should be the availability in the hospital?

If you are planning to open a hospital, then your hospital should have the following departments, such as emergency, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, psychiatry, on site, radiology and an intensive care unit etc. Due to this, there will always be an influx of patients in your hospital and the hospital will also run well, because due to having different wards, people will prefer your hospital first due to the complete medical treatment under one roof.

What does the government help in a private hospital

In private hospital, the government helps you only in the matter of land, if you want to open a hospital in backward areas, then the government takes 75 percent money to buy the land, the same if you want to open it in the block area, then 50 percent money for the land. The state government helps, if you want to open in the urban area, then the state government helps you 25 percent for the land. The state or central government does not help in any way for your hospital, you have to arrange yourself whatever you need like doctors, nurses, oxygen beds, ventilators and medicines etc.

How much to invest to open a hospital :

If you want to open a hospital, then your budget should also be good, only then your hospital will run well. You will have to invest a minimum of 50 lakhs in the initial time for the hospital, then only you will be able to provide all kinds of facilities in the hospital, you can also keep trustees for your hospital or you can also keep investors if you want then the hospital You can also sell shares to anyone, because in the initial time more money has to be invested, in such a situation, you can keep medical partner separately, keep pathology partner, keep MD and MS doctor as partner on share basis.

How to promote your hospital ?

In today's time it is time for marketing, it depends on how you are promoting your business, you can promote your hospital in social media or you can also do it through newspaper, through magazine, You can share photos of your hospital along with short bio of facility and specialist doctors, pictures etc. in social media, as well as spread the publicity through newspaper. You can create a page on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter of your hospital and you will have to update the picture from time to time, so that patients can know about your hospital and like your service. You can also do online paid promotion, create video, and promote your hospital through website, you should keep organizing blood donation camp from time to time in a nearby school college, which is also a kind of promotion. 

how to Open a Hospital in India.The mandatory license and registration requirement.How to promote your hospital for best business.

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