Open Government Ration Distribution Shop in India - Complete Guide
Government ration distribution shop is called that shop which is opened by the government and through which the people living around it get rice, pulses, sugar, wheat, name, flour etc. in certain quantities at the rates fixed by the government at cheap prices. is provided on.
These shops are given the responsibility of distributing essential things by the government. The government opens such shops in rural and urban areas. The government has run the ration card scheme, under which the ration card has been divided into many categories like APL, BPL, IRDP etc. Ration card holders of different classes are given ration at different prices.
The ration distributor can distribute ration only according to the rules set by the government. These shops are also called fair price ration shops. India is a vast country . The population of India is very large. Due to the high population, unemployment has also become very high in our country. Despite being educated, there are many educated unemployed in our country.
The government is running many schemes to provide employment. Still, the problem of unemployment is not being solved. In this situation people prefer to start their own business. In such a situation, individuals can take great advantage by opening a government ration shop.
All the states have made their own rules for opening a government ration shop, but there are some eligibility conditions which are the same in all the states. Whose description is given below-
The person who wants to open a government ration shop must be an Indian. He can open a government ration distribution shop in the same area where he lives.
The person opening a government ration distribution shop should be at least 10th pass. In many states this age has been raised to graduation.
The person opening a government ration shop should be financially strong. An amount from 50000 to 75000 should be deposited in his bank account.
A person who is a legal criminal or who has broken the rules of law cannot open a government ration distribution shop.
A person who has already obtained a license for a ration shop but his license has been canceled due to any reason cannot apply for opening such a shop.
Such shops should be opened around the village itself. So that the people of the village do not have to go far. It is even better if there is a wheat grinding mill around the ration depot because the government gives wheat to the poor people. Having a flour mill, they can grind the flour and take it home.
To open a government ration shop, it is also necessary to see that what is the size of the shop which is being opened to distribute government ration. If the height of the shop is 4 meters, 5 meters in length and 3 meters in width, then it is very good because the government ration is only for a month in sufficient quantity. It takes a lot of space to keep it.
There should be proper storage arrangement in the shop being opened for distribution of government ration. Care should be taken that the roof does not leak from anywhere. Rain water does not come inside the room. If rain water comes in from anywhere or there is dampness due to rain, then there is a fear of spoilage of the grain.
If a person opens a government ration shop, he is allowed to open the shop, then that person should take full care of cleanliness in the shop. While distributing the grain, the grain falls here and there, due to which the rats make their home there if it is not cleaned. causing damage to the grain.
While opening a government ration shop, it should also be kept in mind that the shop should be on the side of the road so that those who bring and carry ration do not face any problem. Having a shop on the side of the road makes it convenient for people to carry ration. Government ration also comes in big vehicles. In such a situation, it is also good for the person who brings ration.
The person who is going to open a government ration shop should be honest. He should distribute ration only at the fixed rates fixed by the government. Sometimes the government also distributes free food grains for poor ration card holders. In such a situation, that person should give free food grains to the poor ration card holders. Many times the person in the shop falsifies. He does not even reach that free ration to the poor people and later distributes it at other cost which is wrong.
As everyone knows today is the era of computer. In such a situation, the person who wants to open a government ration shop should also have computer knowledge. Nowadays all the information about the distribution of grains is put on the computer itself.
In rural areas it is often seen that there is only one government depot for 5-6 villages. Due to which people and those who distribute ration have problems. People have to go far to get ration. In such a situation, for the convenience of the villagers, there is talk of opening a government ration shop in the village itself.
1) First of all the Block Development Officer calls the meeting. In the meeting, it is considered that for what reasons there is a need to open a government ration shop in the village. Then with the Block Officer the names of the eligible persons who have opened the shop are given.
2) The Block Development Officer gives a form based on the merit of those persons which has to be filled and submitted. The necessary documents are also attached with that form and they are checked.
3) After the form is verified by the Block Development Officer, they go to the District Supply Officer.
4) The District Development Officer sends all these documents to the District Magistrate. Then the license is given to the eligible person only. Before getting the license, some money has to be paid on the basis of security. In this way, by obtaining a license, a person can open a government ration distribution shop in the village.
Opening a government ration shop in urban areas does not require much trouble, to open a government ration shop in urban areas, an area is required. There are 400 cards in a 2000 unit area. There are 800 cards in four thousand unit area.
If there is an area of ​​two thousand units or about four thousand units in the urban area, then the notification is given through the newspaper or the website of the concerned office. Applications are sought from the interested candidates through the newspaper website. A fixed date is kept for this.
Applications are not accepted after this date. After the application form is received by the concerned department, the supply inspector scrutinizes these applications. After scrutinizing the applications, the selection committee sends the call letters to the eligible candidates.
The selection committee consists of District Supply Officer, Chief Development Officer, District Magistrate etc. Examines the economic status and character of the candidates.
After that these applications are handled by the District Magistrate and then the license is granted to the eligible candidate. On getting the license, security deposit has to be made for it. Once a person gets a license, there is no rule to renew it.
If for some reason the same person has to close the cheap ration shop and in future he wants to take the license again, then he is not given a license to open a cheap ration shop again.
Learn how to Open Government Ration Distribution Shop in India.Know the eligibility details and education qualification - How to apply