
How to Start Poultry Farm Business? Cost,Profit Margin details

Updated On : 08-Sep-2024

Poultry Farm Business

Egg and chicken have become an important diet of people at this time, there is no such village or city where people do not consume eggs and chicken, these days people are very interested in poultry farm business to meet the increasing demand for eggs and chicken. Showing that this is a very good and profitable business, the government also provides loans at very low interest rates for this business?
If you are also thinking of starting a new business, then poultry farm can also be a good option, today we are telling you in detail about the establishment of a poultry farm.

Proper and adequate space

For the business of poultry farm, space is of utmost importance, in this business, a very large space is required. For the poultry farm, a large and clean space is needed, to meet the need of the space, you had to buy land, so this business is important. may be the most expensive part

Another option may be in front of you for the land that you can set up a poultry farm on any vacant land lying around your house, the length and width of the land also depends on the number of chickens raised.

For example, a minimum of 01 square feet of land is required for the rearing of a chicken, if a hen gets 1.5 feet of space, then its eggs or chicks will not be harmed, that is, they will be completely safe.

Types of poultry farm

There are many types of poultry farms, they are described as follows

Boiler Farm: Boiler farm is called normal poultry farm, in which the chicks are bought and reared, from here the chicken is prepared and sold in 40 to 50 days.

Egg Farm: Under this farm, you have to raise good breed chickens and sell their eggs,  our advice is that you start with a boiler farm, as soon as you start getting profits, you can also start an egg farm business. Business of both the form can give you excellent profit.

Some specific descriptions of the environment for setting up a poultry farm are as follows

For an ideal poultry farm, at least 1000 square fit space is required, in this you can rear 1000 chicks  , for setting up a poultry farm, a place should be selected which is away from the city, the chickens are kept away from the horns of vehicles and pollution. There is trouble, so start this business only in a place with less traffic. 

Before choosing a place, make sure that there is no shortage of water in the said place, for proper nutrition of the chickens and for cleanliness, you will need enough water, if you find any land near your house, then water won't be a problem 

Transportation is very important for the success of any business,  many people do the business of poultry farm only in the vacant place of their home. There is no harm in me but it smells a lot, so if you do it outside the campus of your house, it will be better if  the need of electricity is felt in the poultry farm, before starting the business, take a commercial electricity connection.

Register for business

License is mandatory for any business, it is not right to start a business without completing the paperwork, the business of poultry farm will have to be registered through MSME, with the help of MSME, the registration of business becomes easy  , for registration you have to first go to the website. You have to go from here you can apply for online registration, after going to  this website you will see a form, there you will have to enter your Aadhaar number and name, after that there will be an option of Validate Aadhaar, click on it as soon as it is  clicked. Your Aadhaar is approved and instructions are given for further processing 

After this, you will be asked for your poultry farm company name, company type, workplace address, city, district, state, pin number, mobile number, email address, date of commencement of business, bank details, company details etc. Fill it correctly, in the end you will be asked for captcha, after filling it click on submit button.

After this the certificate is generated by the MSME. You get this certificate by email, you can take a print out of it, Xerox this print and put it in the poultry farm's office,  after completing this process, your company is registered, with the help of your government or non-government institutions You can also take loan from

How much capital to invest ?

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development i.e. NABARD has prepared a model project for poultry farm, according to this report, if you want to start a good profitable poultry farm, then start business with at least 10 thousand chickens. A capital investment of at least 04 to 05 lakh rupees will have to be done, if you want to take a bank loan for this, then you can also get a loan up to 75 percent.

Can I earn good profit ?

According to an estimate, a healthy chick is available for 16 to 18 rupees, after getting regular nutrition and nutritious food, in 40 days, this chick becomes one kg in 40 days, these chicks also start laying eggs in 4 months. A healthy chick lays up to 300 eggs in a year and a half. After adding the cost of purchase of chicks, their feed, their medicines, rent, electricity bill, transport etc., you can easily make a profit of 25 to 30 percent.

Shed cost

The shed has to be constructed for the poultry farm. According to an estimate, it can cost up to Rs. 01 lakh on an average. To build the shed, take care that the shed is completely paved. Pipes, welding and roofing are used to make the shed. Take full care, it should be kept in mind that to protect the water from entering your farm, make a wall of 02 feet to protect the whole farm, the whole farm will have to be packed with nets all around, before building the shed, any nearby poultry farm. Take an idea after seeing it, if you want, you can also take the help of an expert who makes a shed.

Always make your poultry farm in the shape of a rectangle in the direction from east to west, when the farm is built in such a direction, the chickens feel less sunlight and the temperature is also maintained, due to unbalanced temperature, the health of the chickens is affected by 
water and electricity. need of

To start a poultry farm, a lot of things are required. The farm should have uninterrupted water supply for 24 hours, for this you can arrange well and borewell, you need a big tank for water storage and best for chickens. There is a need to prepare a drinking system, the arrangement should be such that the water reaches the chickens just by pressing the button once.

You will get all the equipment of the drinking system at any hardware shop in the market, buy the equipment of good quality only. 

Feeding System:

All the tools related to feeding system are available in the market. Get it set in your form with the help of an experienced expert

Lighting arrangement :

Chickens do not like darkness, after a lot of research, it has been found that chickens do not like food in the middle One reason for this is that due to the light, the temperature of the farm is maintained, due to the light, the chickens spend most of their time eating in the night time, due to this there is an atmosphere of silence during the night. Concentrate and take food, if the arrangement of light is irregular, then you have to manage the generator set, if you find the arrangement of generator set expensive, then you can also use solar system.

Chicken box

If you are wanting to start an egg farm then you will need a chicken box, it is used to keep the eggs safe. Chickens can lay eggs well in this chicken box, keeping eggs in the chicken box does not spoil the eggs and keep them whole. stay safe

Fly tray

Often became clean you form the spraying is needed to fly the regulator to take flies and insects flourish due to dirt in poultry farm and does not affect the nutritional value of poultry  should definitely use the same egg washer with With the help of this equipment and water, the egg is cleaned, only after this cleaning it is sent to the market for sale.

Fodder for chickens

Better and proper upbringing of chickens is dependent on the quality of their food, always choose good quality food products for chickens. Chickens need sufficient amount of calcium and protein, so choose such feed. in which these elements are abundant

How to take care of chicks and chickens

It takes about 40 to 50 days for a chick to develop and grow properly, for these 40 days, the chicks have to be very careful because these chicks are very delicate.

These children should be carefully followed for a week from the beginning. Whenever you take any newborn chicks in your hands, before that wash your hands thoroughly and clean them only after that hand the chicks

Contact a doctor who has good knowledge of poultry and keep the chicks from time to time to get medicine and needles etc. Regularly check them every week so that they can be saved from diseases and untimely death

Chickens eat more food at night, more food than necessary is also harmful for chickens. Insects grow more in the food at night, these insects keep the chickens at risk of infection, so make arrangements to kill the insects from your farm,  clean the farm regularly, every vessel in which the chickens are given fodder and water. Clean every two to three days 
, arrange heater or light in cold weather 

Take special care of the growing chicks, give them calcium and protein-rich food, feed the  chicks at least 03 times a day and not more than 04 times  , on the advice of the veterinarian, use germicidal substances in their food. Boiler catches diseases quickly to chickens, so always take care of their health

Any business is successful only when it is done with full hard work, dedication and sincerity, there may be some inconvenience and trouble in the initial phase, but time and experience gradually teach everything, a good thing in the business of poultry farm. This is that in this you do not have to wait for a long time for profits, your business gains momentum in 40 days.

Learn how to Start Poultry Farm Business with very low investment.Chicken farm business basic requirements,cost, profit, maintaince details.

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