
How to Get Railway Pantry Car Tender ? Complete Guide

Updated On : 08-Sep-2024

Today, we travel mostly because of our work, to go from one place to another, people mostly travel by car, bus or train for more distance, sometimes the journey is so long that We have to stay in the trains till the whole night, in such a situation, if someone gets hungry, there is also a food order and food arrangement in the train, from time to time some uniformed people keep coming to give us food, have you ever thought? How do they bring food on the train, can anyone do this in the railways, so today to answer all these questions, we will talk about the pantry car, now many people do not even know this thing, so Today we will know about the information related to the pantry car, in which the main is-

What is a pantry car, what information is needed for a pantry car tender, how to take a pantry car tender, what is the reason for selling food in the pantry car at triple the price, what are the complaints coming from the pantry car, to the pantry car Why are the railways thinking of removing it?

What is a pantry car ?

Pantry car is called Rasoi Bhandar vehicle in Hindi, these are such coaches of the train, where arrangements are made to prepare and prepare food for the passengers traveling in the train.

Just as there are restaurants for food outside, in the same way there is a pantry car in the facility provided by the railway in the train, it is the job of the coach of the pantry car to arrange food for the passengers traveling in the train.

What information is required for pantry car tender ?

Pantry car tender can also be called a type of business, in which food is arranged for the passengers, and in any business or train, the person taking a tender should have the following information related to this tender of pantry car-

1) Pantry Car Concept Information

The person taking any pantry car tender is most important that what is the concept of the field in which he is going, that means what he is, after all, it is very important to know about it.


Incomplete knowledge is fatal.

Just filling the tender should not be done, its information is necessary.

2) How to take Pantry Car Tender

There is a method to take any pantry car tender, which a tenderer should be aware of.

3) What are the documents required in Pantry Car Tender

It is very important for any tender taker to be aware of the necessary documents required in the tender, because his qualifications, necessary documents such as Aadhar card, PAN card, GST, and necessary certificates should be known, which can validate his eligibility. .

4) Zonal information related to Pantry Car Tender

Zonal here means the area in which the person desirous of taking that tender belongs, because different tenders of different zones keep coming in the railway, then the person chooses the zone according to his mind, that is, which one That person should be aware of what is the system in the zone.

5) Website of Registration for Pantry Car Tender

It is very important for the person who wants to take the tender, on which website the pantry car tender comes, and which website does the work related to it.

Like there is a railway website, on which information and registration related to tender is done, and the website is-


Information related to registration of tender can be obtained by visiting this website.

6) Pantry Car Registration Process

The person taking the tender should be aware of the process of registration for pantry car tender, like visiting the website, how to fill the form, how to register.

How to take Pantry Car Tender

There is a complete method of taking pantry car tender in the train which is as follows-

Removed tender by railway was

Railway puts out various types of tenders on its website for the convenience of its department, so that whoever is willing to take the tender, it is easy for them to take the tender.

To register in the tender, visit the tender website

People register by visiting the railway's tender website https://ireps.gov.in/ , which is then checked by the railways, and all information related to the person is obtained.

Submission of all documents and copies for tender.

In the registration of the tender, individuals submit all the necessary documents like Andhra Card, On Card, GST, Certificates, Fees, which is the complete process of registration.

To quote the lowest tender

The one who bids the lowest is selected for the tender, like people bid to take any project, and the winner is the one whose bid is good and low, in the same way the bid is placed in the tender.

To get the tender by paying 1 to 2 crores for a fixed time frame.

The person who takes the tender by winning the bid or bid of the pantry car tender has to pay an amount to the railways, and this amount can be around 1 to 2 crores, by which the person gets the tender, and now he has to pay the railway till that time limit. Works as a pantry car in a train, and makes a profit.

What is the reason for selling food in pantry car at triple the price

No middle class people can afford the amount paid in Pantry Car Tender, to pay this amount mostly by taking business loan, to cover the interest and to withdraw the payment amount as soon as possible. A person starts taking food by increasing the price of food somewhere, whereas an amount is already fixed by the railways.

What are the complaints received by the pantry car ?

The complaints coming in the pantry car are mostly made by the passengers, those complaints are-

All these complaints are often made by passengers, which is one of the serious problems.

Why are the railways thinking of removing the pantry car?

Now the railway is thinking to remove the facility of pantry car, due to which the following is the reason-

Pantry Car Complaints

Due to complaints related to the system and cleanliness of the pantry car, the railways decided to remove the facility of pantry car in 300 trains, to eliminate all these complaints about the quality of food, lack of cleanliness, the railway department took this decision. , and further action is being taken regarding pantry car on Baji train.

Not generating much revenue in the pantry car

The railways not getting much benefit from the pantry car system is also the reason for its gradual removal, the railways is going to convert the pantry car to AC 3 tyre, due to which the railways will get a revenue of about 1400 crores annually, in AC 3 tier There will be a place for around 72 people which will help the railways to increase revenue.

Opening of new new E catering and base canteen in railways.

The reason for the removal of the pantry car is the opening of a new catering and base canteen in the railway department, where quality food is served to the people, and this has also become the choice of the people.

Passengers not to use outside food

Many passengers complain about food, they do not like to eat outside food, they take food from home itself, due to which the importance of pantry car is decreasing.

The information related to all these pantry cars and its tender will make the tenderer aware and information related to his work, so that the person can identify himself by taking his future in the right direction.

We tried to give information related to pantry car in Hindi, so that people can get information related to pantry car and its tender.

For more information, you can visit the railway website.

Getting Railway Pantry Car Tender details.Documents required for IRCTC Pantry car tender.Recent pantry car information with secret tips.

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